Forbidden places that no one can ever visit
These places you can safely delete from your list. Most likely, you will never go there. So accept and just get acquainted with them virtually. 1. Snake Island Queimada Grande…

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What European cities can you go on vacation in February
We know, we know, rest in February is not the best idea. After all, winter is still outside the window, and you can enjoy the cold at home, moving by…

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Bosnia and Herzegovina - a small state
In recent decades, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been actively developing tourism and now can offer travelers a lot of historical attractions - ancient Christian churches, mosques and medieval castles. In…


The most dangerous volcanoes on the planet that can erupt at any time.
Today, more than 600 active volcanoes are known to the planet. Active volcanoes for man - a great disaster. Tons of fiery lava heated to 1000 ° C are destroyed,…

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10 most extreme travel in the world
Get to know the most extreme places on our planet. Can you pick up some tour? ● Mountain Thor, Canada Thor (1675 m) is the steepest mountain in the world.…


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