Australia - a state in the southern hemisphere
Beach vacation. The main place for lovers of this type of recreation is the Gold Coast (Gold Coast), the area between Sydney and Brisbane. Sandy beaches stretch along the coast…

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The most dangerous volcanoes on the planet that can erupt at any time.
Today, more than 600 active volcanoes are known to the planet. Active volcanoes for man - a great disaster. Tons of fiery lava heated to 1000 ° C are destroyed,…

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Save on your trip to Abkhazia
Abkhazia includes seven historical regions and the same municipal districts. Each of them belongs to the coastal areas and mountain areas. The coastal strip with rather smooth outlines abounds in…


10 unfinished sights in the world
To complete the construction of a large-scale facility may take years and decades of hard work, as well as a lot of finance. That is why some historical sights have…

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And where to go travel
Whether you are traveling alone, with your other half or with a group, it doesn't matter - in any case, exploring our wonderful world is one of the best ways…


especially impressive

14 most remote places on earth

Do you really want to escape from the daily routine, monotony and chaos of life? Then these incredibly remote, undisturbed, and untouched places are just for you.

1. Easter Island, Chile

It is more than 3,000 km away from civilization and is known for its statues, carved by people of the Rapa Nui tribe from volcanic stone between 1250 and 1500 AD. Continue reading

7 places in the world that seem to have disappeared from the pages

We buy all sorts of guides to find the most interesting place that you can remember all your life. But no one knows that what we read about in books really exists in reality, and is not an excellent idea of ​​the author. How do you respond to the fact that we have found for you 10 places that the writers praised in their works and to which the characters of their books were sent? They will tell you more than any guidebook and send you on an unforgettable journey. Continue reading

Terrifying amusement parks and haunted circuses

Weekends and vacations are a time of rest and fun. Many cities offer us a wide variety of attractions. Often one of them is an amusement park. It’s hard to imagine a place less terrible than a park with merry-go-rounds, slides and curved mirrors. Nevertheless, there are many creepy stories about abandoned amusement parks, rooms of fear and crazy clowns. How much truth is in these rumors? Is it possible for a place full of joy and laughter to cause fear and horror? Continue reading