12 interesting alternatives to major tourist destinations
Of course, no one says that a trip to Paris or Rome is banal, but sometimes the best vacation can be spent in unexplored and not the most “promoted” places.…

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How travel can noticeably improve your interpersonal skills
Any experienced and seasoned traveler becomes very sociable. He knows how to naturally start a conversation and somehow find a common language with people from all walks of life. Independent…

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7 places in the world that seem to have disappeared from the pages
We buy all sorts of guides to find the most interesting place that you can remember all your life. But no one knows that what we read about in books…


Where to go on a honeymoon: 10 places of your choice
So, you have already planned a wedding and are practically ready for it. What about the decision about where you run off together on the honeymoon after the official ceremony…

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14 most remote places on earth
Do you really want to escape from the daily routine, monotony and chaos of life? Then these incredibly remote, undisturbed, and untouched places are just for you. 1. Easter Island,…


potatoes and macaroni

How to choose a holiday destination that meets your requirements

The choice of a place of rest is an individual matter. If you do not talk about the budget, a lot in this matter depends on what you want to receive. Full peace against the backdrop of nature, active and invigorating rest, recreation or cultural program? Or maybe all together? How to choose the perfect vacation spot that will meet all your preferences? Let’s understand this difficult question.

Climatic conditions Continue reading

Hungary is one of the most beloved by tourists.

Therefore, in spite of the formal socialist system, already in the 70s the country became one of the most free, richest and liberal in Eastern Europe. The end of the 80s was marked by the removal of communists from power and the beginning of integration with Western countries. In 1999, the country became a member of NATO, and in 2004 joined the EU. Continue reading

Bosnia and Herzegovina – a small state

In recent decades, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been actively developing tourism and now can offer travelers a lot of historical attractions – ancient Christian churches, mosques and medieval castles. In addition, this European country has a magnificent nature. 90% of its territory are picturesque mountains and foothills. And in the winter many fans of alpine skiing come here. Continue reading