Instructions for those preparing to go to the mountains: what should I take with me?
Probably, there is nothing more dangerous psychologically than a long stay in areas that are hard to call wild. Physical fitness can save from any excesses that often make the…

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Amazing places of the planet where a man’s foot has never stepped.
Do you think there is a corner on the planet that man has not yet been able to master? Where he did not make a house for himself, did not…

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10 legendary lost cities that were found
We are still unable to find the underwater grave of Atlantis, the golden streets of Eldorado or the mountains of Shangri-La. It is possible that they probably never existed at…


The most dangerous cities in the world that it is better not to visit
Nowadays, almost everyone can visit anywhere in the world. Places that previously seemed out of reach are now open to tourists. However, some of them still need to be avoided.…

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How to choose a holiday destination that meets your requirements
The choice of a place of rest is an individual matter. If you do not talk about the budget, a lot in this matter depends on what you want to…


even the seat

10 of the most beautiful natural pools in the world

Would love to get there, is not it? Then add these places to your wish list, and dreams (if you really strive for them) tend to come true.

1. Devil’s Font

Victoria Falls in southeastern Africa is more than two times larger than Niagara: it is about 110 meters high and about 1,700 meters wide. And for some brave men, the upper part of the waterfall is another place to swim. Continue reading

7 incredible places in India to help you find yourself

When do you think about this country? High mountains, spirituality and even mysticism. Thousands of travelers come in search of answers to eternal questions. There are many other great places in India, but they cannot compete with them. Let’s start our journey to the most exciting places of this country!

1. Svasvara
Nothing can compare with the beauty of untouched nature. Continue reading

8 things to take with you when traveling

You have been waiting for your holiday all year, then why darken it with possible illnesses during a planned trip? Put these eight necessary things in a travel bag or suitcase – consider this to be your must-have travel kit. And without it anywhere!

● First Aid Kit
It should have a bandage, antiseptic wipes and other essentials, especially if you are going to spend your holidays in nature. If you are flying with a first-aid kit in your carry-on baggage, check that there may not be security control at the airport (some medications and sharp objects) from its composition. Continue reading