How not to be mistaken when choosing a hotel or a hotel for a holiday?
Probably, this happened to everyone at least once: you see a tempting hotel offer with chic pictures. But advertising remains only advertising - in fact, not a single photo of…

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12 interesting alternatives to major tourist destinations
Of course, no one says that a trip to Paris or Rome is banal, but sometimes the best vacation can be spent in unexplored and not the most “promoted” places.…

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What places on our planet are abnormally hot
We believe that people in the middle lane are lucky with the climate. You will think that we are joking or laughing at you, but this is absolutely serious. After…


8 things to take with you when traveling
You have been waiting for your holiday all year, then why darken it with possible illnesses during a planned trip? Put these eight necessary things in a travel bag or…

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Islands that may disappear in 80 years
Around the world, many islands are slowly but surely immersed in water. Try to have time to see them firsthand, because it is possible that the next generations will no…


world or admire

What did you not know about Sydney? 10 unexpected facts that will open this city for you

Australia is quite far from the rest of the world. However, this does not mean that this place is forgotten or unpopular with tourists. Of particular note, of course, is Sydney. We will not tell everyone the known facts about this city, just to remind you what it is. Yes, it is the largest city in Australia, the pearl of which is the opera house. But to really get to know the city, you need to look at it from the other side. After all, beaches, the famous bridge and skyscrapers are not the only puzzle pieces that can make a complete picture of this place. So get to know the city of Sydney! Continue reading

Austria needs no introduction

In Austria, a huge number of resorts are located from Bad Hall in Upper Austria to the Salzkammergut, from the magnificent Gasteiner Ache valley to Zolébad Hall in Tirol. People come to Austrian resorts from all over the world to improve their health and pamper themselves. Resort relaxation can be combined with golf, hiking, skiing and sightseeing tours. Or with a wine tasting – Baden-by-Win, located in the Vienna Woods, is surrounded by hundreds of vineyards and dozens of wine taverns (Heurigen). Continue reading

Australia – a state in the southern hemisphere

Beach vacation. The main place for lovers of this type of recreation is the Gold Coast (Gold Coast), the area between Sydney and Brisbane. Sandy beaches stretch along the coast for 40 kilometers. Here everything has to active recreation and entertainment: golf courses, amusement parks, safaris, night clubs and discos.

Diving. Great Barrier Reef – Mecca for scuba diving. Continue reading