10 places where you still will pay extra for accommodation
If you are craving for change and are tired of your city, why not get up and move? Of course, moving is stressful and not cheap, but you can even…

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The most dangerous cities in the world that it is better not to visit
Nowadays, almost everyone can visit anywhere in the world. Places that previously seemed out of reach are now open to tourists. However, some of them still need to be avoided.…

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Australia - a state in the southern hemisphere
Beach vacation. The main place for lovers of this type of recreation is the Gold Coast (Gold Coast), the area between Sydney and Brisbane. Sandy beaches stretch along the coast…


Underwater temple garden in Bali. It is worth seeing!
The underwater garden in Indonesian Bali was created quite recently, and it looks like a real Hindu temple. His pictures, which appeared on the Web, caused a lot of rumors…

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How not to be mistaken when choosing a hotel or a hotel for a holiday?
Probably, this happened to everyone at least once: you see a tempting hotel offer with chic pictures. But advertising remains only advertising - in fact, not a single photo of…


smoking cigarettes

If you want to experience the nature of Asia, you should visit these national parks.

There are many amazing wonders of nature in Asia, but some of the most beautiful and impressive are protected by the state as a national park in order to protect the local flora and fauna. The activity of people in them is limited, but the area itself is open to tourists who want to look at the natural diversity of our planet. Take a look and you on the incredible in nature parks of Asia and complement your view of this part of the world with new details.

1. Masada, Israel Continue reading

Why is it worth visiting Amsterdam at least once in your life?

Even those who have never been to Amsterdam consider this place to be a city of dreams. It is not surprising, because the capital of the Netherlands justifies its title almost entirely. What is remarkable about this European city? What to see in Amsterdam? Why should everyone at least once in their life be sure to visit him? And what is unique and surprising in it, besides bridges and bicycles?
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