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What European cities can you go on vacation in February

We know, we know, rest in February is not the best idea. After all, winter is still outside the window, and you can enjoy the cold at home, moving by dashes from home to work. But, if you decide to go for a vacation in February, we offer you some wonderful European cities!

By the way, even a trip to warm countries does not guarantee you a full-fledged beach holiday. But on the other hand, this is a great opportunity to arrange a winter vacation. First of all, February is famous for the absence of an influx of tourists, which means no turmoil, queues and crowding. Secondly, in February the lowest prices for tours. That is why you can afford to visit those countries that have long dreamed of. And, thirdly, the weather at this time of year in Europe is sunny. So, long live excursions!

If by our arguments we were able to set you up for a vacation in February, then here is a list of cities that you must visit.

1. Riga, Latvia
The locals of this city are sure that the worst weather is the weather in February. But you should not be scared. What a terrible frost for a European is for us a light frost in the morning. But stock up with warm things, if you decided to go on vacation in February. After all, you are waiting for long walks through the atmospheric streets of Riga. And they are worth it: old buildings evoke nostalgia and a sense of medieval times, and small cafes attract with their aromas. We also advise connoisseurs to enjoy the organ of the Dome Cathedral.

2. Stockholm, Sweden
The sun alternates beautifully with bad weather. The weather is quite capricious and changeable. But this should not embarrass you and make it impossible to see so many archaic castles, palaces and fortresses. Why are only the museum values ​​of the city: the name of the group “ABBA” and the museum “Aquaria”. And do not forget to ride the subway, there you will find live samples of the underground: sculptures and paintings!

3. Vienna, Austria
At the end of February, the famous Viennese ball is held. What is not the first reason to visit this city? Try all the famous Viennese strudel, go by bus tour of the city, enjoy coffee in cozy cafes, walk in museums and palaces. If you decided to go to rest in Vienna in February – no hurry. Explore the city thoroughly.

4. Budapest, Hungary
Light autumn jacket, insulated hat, hiking boots – and go along the narrow streets to explore the city. To the Royal Palace only on the funicular, on the river tram contemplate the ancient facades, and then immediately to the famous National Gallery. And do not forget about the famous baths and healing springs!

5. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
In Amsterdam, as in St. Petersburg, you will need an umbrella and moisture-proof shoes. The weather is very wet. But such vagaries easily brighten up the colorful tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year, which falls exactly on February. Explosions, confetti, costumes and more. Feel this incredible holiday atmosphere on yourself, and then rush to the rink. And do not forget to have a snack in the local cafes, for example, a herring burger will pleasantly surprise you.