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Hungary is one of the most beloved by tourists.

Therefore, in spite of the formal socialist system, already in the 70s the country became one of the most free, richest and liberal in Eastern Europe. The end of the 80s was marked by the removal of communists from power and the beginning of integration with Western countries. In 1999, the country became a member of NATO, and in 2004 joined the EU. Today, Hungary is a prosperous democratic European state that has managed to preserve many national traditions, attracting travelers from all countries of the world.

Resorts and climate
Most places of treatment and SPA-rest in Hungary are located near the thermal water sources, mineral mud. Unique balneological resorts and baths have been famous throughout Europe for their healing and rejuvenating effect. Profile sanatoriums treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the digestive system, the metabolism and so on. There are also general health resorts.

Among the most famous resorts can be called Hajdusoboslo, the mineral springs of which are called “hot gold” and used to treat rheumatism. There are a lot of historical and architectural sights preserved in this quiet town, so it will be interesting for all tourists to visit Hajdúszoboszló.

Debrecen is a large modern settlement, not much inferior to the capital in terms of population. Nadierdo’s large thermal water park can be called a visiting card of the city. It is also one of the most famous balneological clinics in the country.

Margit is a whole island in the heart of the capital of Hungary, located in the waters of the majestic Danube. Its territory is quite small: 2.5 kilometers long and up to 500 meters wide. This is a national reserve, in the arboretum of which you can see many rare local plants. There is peace and tranquility, the cleanest air in the capital, a unique microclimate.

Not far from the already mentioned Lake Balaton is another famous reservoir called Heviz. This is a unique place, the water in which, thanks to the power of the sources, is completely updated in about a day. Heviz is the largest warm-water lake in Europe: in winter the water here has indicators of +26 … + 28 ° C, and in summer + 33 … + 35. Because of this, there is often steam above the surface that forms the special climate of these places.

In general, the annual temperature regime in Hungary is similar to the Russian one. The summer is hot here, but the winter is not too frosty – the average indicator of the coldest month lies within 0 … -1 ° C. Spring and autumn are very warm, long and rather dry, so many experienced travelers advise to go to Hungary exactly in this off-season.

Hungarian cuisine
The national Hungarian menu is distinguished by an abundance of spices. They may be spicy or not, but dried paprika, which emphasizes the rich and rich flavor of local dishes, is in general respect. The dishes are very hearty, there is a vegetarian, but in most cases meat or fish will be an essential component.

The most famous Hungarian dish, which is popular outside the country, is goulash. In a local restaurant you should definitely order halasle soup, paprikash, perkelt, and also a piece of trout, which is bred in the cold mountain lakes of the country. Another Hungarian culinary invention, beloved around the world – dry salami sausage PICKI. This delicious snack can be stored for quite a long time even without a refrigerator. Many tourists bring salami and different types of paprika to their homeland as a traditional gift instead of boring magnets.

Cold bottle of Hungarian balsam Unicum
Cold bottle of Hungarian balsam Unicum
It is in Hungary that you can taste dozens of varieties of genuine Tokay wine, drink “Bull’s Blood”, national vodka “Palinka”. Quality alcohol, like salami, can be bought on the market or in a good supermarket. Consider that Tokay wine differs in aging, harvest time, sweetness.

Not to mention the opportunity to try the delicacy of foie gras, which in Europe is authorized for production and sale only here and in France. This is a goose liver taken from birds grown by a special technology.

Separately, you can talk about pastry, which are just as tasty and satisfying as the main dishes. Among the most popular, included in the “mandatory” program of the tourist: Gundel pancakes, sweet chestnuts with sour cream or cream, retesh roll.

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