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The most dangerous volcanoes on the planet that can erupt at any time.

Today, more than 600 active volcanoes are known to the planet. Active volcanoes for man – a great disaster. Tons of fiery lava heated to 1000 ° C are destroyed, everything in its path is turned into dust (remember how the city of Pompeii disappeared during the eruption of Vesuvius). Poisonous gases, hot stones, volcanic ash in the atmosphere, tsunamis in the ocean are all satellites of the eruptions.

Volcanoes are active and extinct. The latter are forever “asleep” mountains that do not pose a danger to the population. But active volcanoes can cause a lot of trouble: cause tremendous damage to the economy and even destroy villages. However, people, despite the sad historical experience, continue to inhabit the dangerous territories at the foot and on the slopes of volcanoes. This is because in these localities the land is unusually fertile. Indeed, as a result of eruptions, the soil is saturated with useful substances.

A volcano can “smoke” for years with a light smoke and erupt, for example, once every two hundred years. And can be active with enviable regularity. In addition, nearby communities will always be at risk.

We present you the most formidable active volcanoes:
1. The great and terrible Krakatau
There is a volcano on one of the islands in Indonesia. Its catastrophic eruption in 1883, which became a legend, is widely known. Old-timers told that then the capital of Java, located 200 km from the volcanic island of Krakatau, plunged into darkness. Tons of volcanic ash completely hid the sun. The eruption wiped out up to 300 different cities and settlements. The colossal release caused another catastrophe in the ocean depths – the tsunami. In the coming winter and spring, the inhabitants of the planet observed bright red sunrises and sunsets (due to the presence of volcanic ash in the atmosphere). The last time Krakatau showed its activity quite recently – in 2012.

2. Vesuvius in Italy
In March 79 BC. the catastrophic eruption of this volcano destroyed the legendary city of Pompeii. By the way, the last time Vesuvius showed his activity quite recently (by geological standards) – in 1944.

3. Kilauea
Top “active volcanoes of the planet” is headed by a Hawaiian volcano. He is the most active on Earth. He showed his temper the last time in 1983. Seismologists believe that at the moment Kilauea is in the stage of readiness for a new release.

4. Popocatepetl
Mexican fire-breathing mountain, showing regular activity. The second highest peak of the country. However, despite the fact that the volcano is very dangerous, the area around it is densely populated.

5. Augustine
One of a group of volcanoes on the Alaska Peninsula. Like other active volcanoes, he erupted repeatedly, the last time in 2006, when an entire village “swept” from the slope.

6. Fujiyama
Symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. It is an almost perfect cone. The last release occurred three hundred years ago. But there is always the risk that the volcano will again be active.

7. Kilimanjaro
The highest mountain of the African continent. The last time “showed character” two hundred years ago. However, like other active volcanoes, he did not “fall asleep” forever. That is why there is a possibility of the next eruption.

8. Etna
The volcano is located on the island of Sicily and is considered the largest in Italy. Moreover, regularly, with an interval of about 150 years, the eruption of Etna erases another village from the surface of the Earth. Total recorded up to 200 emissions in different years. By the way, the last eruption occurred in 2018.

Volcanic activity is evidence that the formation of the crust has not yet come to an end. In the “youngest” (seismic) zones of the planet many active volcanoes are concentrated. These are regions of the Pacific Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Cordillera, the Andes and others. Across the globe, on land and in the depths of the ocean, there are cones of volcanoes that can “wake up” at any moment. And then a catastrophe is inevitable. Science, unfortunately, is unable to help prevent the eruption of volcanoes. So far, only she can predict.