10 legendary lost cities that were found
We are still unable to find the underwater grave of Atlantis, the golden streets of Eldorado or the mountains of Shangri-La. It is possible that they probably never existed at…

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Australia - a state in the southern hemisphere
Beach vacation. The main place for lovers of this type of recreation is the Gold Coast (Gold Coast), the area between Sydney and Brisbane. Sandy beaches stretch along the coast…

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Underwater temple garden in Bali. It is worth seeing!
The underwater garden in Indonesian Bali was created quite recently, and it looks like a real Hindu temple. His pictures, which appeared on the Web, caused a lot of rumors…


Save on your trip to Abkhazia
Abkhazia includes seven historical regions and the same municipal districts. Each of them belongs to the coastal areas and mountain areas. The coastal strip with rather smooth outlines abounds in…

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10 legendary lost cities that were found
We are still unable to find the underwater grave of Atlantis, the golden streets of Eldorado or the mountains of Shangri-La. It is possible that they probably never existed at…


European name

11 disappeared countries that existed some 100 years ago

The world map today looks a little different than a hundred years ago. The reasons? Starting from the collapse of ancient empires to the renaming of exotic places.

● Tibet

Although we associate Tibet with peaceful Buddhist monks and its spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, this region to the north-west of India has been troubled for centuries. Continue reading