Azerbaijan is an amazing country of contradictions and contrasts
It is difficult to say how many places in Azerbaijan that would be interesting to visit every avid traveler. There are thousands of them! Many of the most unforgettable historical…

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City of Angels through the eyes of its inhabitants: 7 facts about Los Angeles
What facts about Los Angeles can tell its residents? Go to the City of Angels! Like any other popular city in the world, Los Angeles is surrounded by its stereotypes…

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The most dangerous cities in the world that it is better not to visit
Nowadays, almost everyone can visit anywhere in the world. Places that previously seemed out of reach are now open to tourists. However, some of them still need to be avoided.…


Terrifying amusement parks and haunted circuses
Weekends and vacations are a time of rest and fun. Many cities offer us a wide variety of attractions. Often one of them is an amusement park. It’s hard to…

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Save on your trip to Abkhazia
Abkhazia includes seven historical regions and the same municipal districts. Each of them belongs to the coastal areas and mountain areas. The coastal strip with rather smooth outlines abounds in…


workers living

Terrifying amusement parks and haunted circuses

Weekends and vacations are a time of rest and fun. Many cities offer us a wide variety of attractions. Often one of them is an amusement park. It’s hard to imagine a place less terrible than a park with merry-go-rounds, slides and curved mirrors. Nevertheless, there are many creepy stories about abandoned amusement parks, rooms of fear and crazy clowns. How much truth is in these rumors? Is it possible for a place full of joy and laughter to cause fear and horror? Continue reading