Hungary is one of the most beloved by tourists.
Therefore, in spite of the formal socialist system, already in the 70s the country became one of the most free, richest and liberal in Eastern Europe. The end of the…

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Where to go on a honeymoon: 10 places of your choice
So, you have already planned a wedding and are practically ready for it. What about the decision about where you run off together on the honeymoon after the official ceremony…

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10 unfinished sights in the world
To complete the construction of a large-scale facility may take years and decades of hard work, as well as a lot of finance. That is why some historical sights have…


What European cities can you go on vacation in February
We know, we know, rest in February is not the best idea. After all, winter is still outside the window, and you can enjoy the cold at home, moving by…

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Why is it worth visiting Amsterdam at least once in your life?
Even those who have never been to Amsterdam consider this place to be a city of dreams. It is not surprising, because the capital of the Netherlands justifies its title…


workers living

Terrifying amusement parks and haunted circuses

Weekends and vacations are a time of rest and fun. Many cities offer us a wide variety of attractions. Often one of them is an amusement park. It’s hard to imagine a place less terrible than a park with merry-go-rounds, slides and curved mirrors. Nevertheless, there are many creepy stories about abandoned amusement parks, rooms of fear and crazy clowns. How much truth is in these rumors? Is it possible for a place full of joy and laughter to cause fear and horror? Continue reading