10 legendary lost cities that were found
We are still unable to find the underwater grave of Atlantis, the golden streets of Eldorado or the mountains of Shangri-La. It is possible that they probably never existed at…

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10 best places in the world for grand parties and entertainment
There are incredible tourist spots on our planet where you can enjoy luxurious parties and vibrant nightlife. If you want to see it with your own eyes, be sure to…

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Instructions for those preparing to go to the mountains: what should I take with me?
Probably, there is nothing more dangerous psychologically than a long stay in areas that are hard to call wild. Physical fitness can save from any excesses that often make the…


Islands that may disappear in 80 years
Around the world, many islands are slowly but surely immersed in water. Try to have time to see them firsthand, because it is possible that the next generations will no…

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Azerbaijan is an amazing country of contradictions and contrasts
It is difficult to say how many places in Azerbaijan that would be interesting to visit every avid traveler. There are thousands of them! Many of the most unforgettable historical…


hotel’s real-life

7 incredible places in India to help you find yourself

When do you think about this country? High mountains, spirituality and even mysticism. Thousands of travelers come in search of answers to eternal questions. There are many other great places in India, but they cannot compete with them. Let’s start our journey to the most exciting places of this country!

1. Svasvara
Nothing can compare with the beauty of untouched nature. Continue reading

How not to be mistaken when choosing a hotel or a hotel for a holiday?

Probably, this happened to everyone at least once: you see a tempting hotel offer with chic pictures. But advertising remains only advertising – in fact, not a single photo of reality is true. And the service leaves much to be desired. In order to avoid such disappointment in the future, remember these six signals when you are faced with the choice of a hotel. Sometimes the place you like is not at all what it initially seems.
● Images are embellished in Photoshop Continue reading

Bahamas - a country located on the archipelago of the same name
Beaches Almost every island in the archipelago has excellent beaches. Clean white sand, convenient entry into the water and warm water attract millions of travelers to the Bahamas. The most…


Instructions for those preparing to go to the mountains: what should I take with me?
Probably, there is nothing more dangerous psychologically than a long stay in areas that are hard to call wild. Physical fitness can save from any excesses that often make the…
