How not to be mistaken when choosing a hotel or a hotel for a holiday?
Probably, this happened to everyone at least once: you see a tempting hotel offer with chic pictures. But advertising remains only advertising - in fact, not a single photo of…

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Austria needs no introduction
In Austria, a huge number of resorts are located from Bad Hall in Upper Austria to the Salzkammergut, from the magnificent Gasteiner Ache valley to Zolébad Hall in Tirol. People…

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Scenic tourist destinations that are definitely worth a visit.
We suggest you to get acquainted with the places that are not so popular now and are in demand among tourists. However, they are no less exciting and picturesque than…


Forbidden places that no one can ever visit
These places you can safely delete from your list. Most likely, you will never go there. So accept and just get acquainted with them virtually. 1. Snake Island Queimada Grande…

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Bosnia and Herzegovina - a small state
In recent decades, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been actively developing tourism and now can offer travelers a lot of historical attractions - ancient Christian churches, mosques and medieval castles. In…


northerly winds

8 cities of the world that are considered a gourmet paradise

Since the kitchen is the main “chip” of many cultures, it is not surprising that the direction of “gastrotur” is quickly gaining popularity. Sometimes food can even become the main reason for choosing a tourist destination. In such tours you will meet with incredible restaurants, cute cafes, luxury markets and see a lot of interesting things. Continue reading

Why is it worth visiting Amsterdam at least once in your life?

Even those who have never been to Amsterdam consider this place to be a city of dreams. It is not surprising, because the capital of the Netherlands justifies its title almost entirely. What is remarkable about this European city? What to see in Amsterdam? Why should everyone at least once in their life be sure to visit him? And what is unique and surprising in it, besides bridges and bicycles?
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How to choose a holiday destination that meets your requirements

The choice of a place of rest is an individual matter. If you do not talk about the budget, a lot in this matter depends on what you want to receive. Full peace against the backdrop of nature, active and invigorating rest, recreation or cultural program? Or maybe all together? How to choose the perfect vacation spot that will meet all your preferences? Let’s understand this difficult question.

Climatic conditions Continue reading