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Bahamas – a country located on the archipelago of the same name

Almost every island in the archipelago has excellent beaches. Clean white sand, convenient entry into the water and warm water attract millions of travelers to the Bahamas.

The most chic are the beach areas of New Providence, especially Cable Beach. Here you can sunbathe and swim. If you wish, you can take a look at the local casino or go through the original bridge to Paradise Island.

Grand Bahama offers Gold Sand beach, Paradise Bay and Tiger Beach to those who are surrounded by coconut trees. On remote islands, many beaches are adjacent to fishing villages. They attract lovers of more secluded recreation, as well as fans of diving and sea fishing. The beaches of the island of Andros are often used for wedding ceremonies. Weddings in the national style are popular here, and island hotels offer special “wedding packages”.

Bahamas for outdoor activities
In the Bahamas, not only fans of a measured beach holiday come. Most of the sports centers and watersports venues are located on New Providence, Harbor Island and Grand Bahama. There are places for golf and tennis, as well as for motorcycle rides. From marine entertainment popular windsurfing, surfing, kiting, water skiing and scooters.

Lovers of sea fishing go to the islands of Bimini, Berry and Andros, and those who want to feel the power of the sea waves and explore the coast from the yacht, to the islands of Long Island and Exuma. These places are considered a paradise for yachtsmen, and the sailing season here lasts most of the year.

The clear waters of the Atlantic and the rich underwater world attract diving enthusiasts to the Bahamas. On most islands, there are dive centers that organize beginner training and underwater expeditions for experienced divers. Diving on coral reefs are practiced on the islands of Eleuthera and Abaco. In many places, travelers can swim with dolphins and even participate in shark feeding.

Most of the inhabitants of the Bahamas inhabit the capital of the archipelago – the city of Nassau – 274,400 people (2016), which was built on the island of New Providence. In this city there is a large seaport. Many come to Nassau for a lively nightlife, shopping and to see picturesque examples of colonial architecture. Tourists love to visit the “straw market” of the city, where they sell interesting articles made of straw. Not far from the center of Nassau is a unique corner of tropical nature – the magnificent Adastra gardens and the zoo.

Grand Bahama is often called the tropical paradise. The island is covered with lush thickets of Cuban pine, and three national parks are located on it. Travelers come here to see beautiful large caves with stalagmites and rare tropical flowers.

Long Island Island got its name because of its elongated shape. It stretches nearly a hundred kilometers with a width of up to 5 km. Long Island is covered with low hills. It has beautiful beaches and sheer headlands that drop off straight into the sea.

Eleuthera is known as an elite vacation spot. At the resorts of this island are concentrated the most luxurious hotels in the Bahamas, beaches and clubs.

There are many great restaurants and bars in the Bahamas. In most places, tourists offer dishes of British, North American or Caribbean cuisines. Lunch in a budget cafe costs $ 12-15, and in a reputable restaurant – $ 30-35. Fast food places are represented by world famous brands – McDonalds and KFC.

Livestock breeding is poorly developed in the archipelago; therefore, rice, shrimps, fish with cereal, potatoes and macaroni and cheese prevail in the daily menu of the locals. Fishing for the islanders – the main craft, and the Bahamian cuisine is rich in gifts of the ocean. Formerly, turtle soup was considered the specialty of the islands. But as time passed, the number of turtles decreased, environmentalists sounded the alarm, and more such soup is not cooked here.

Bahamian delicacies are salads made from seafood, grilled shells, crabs and shrimps, as well as red grouper cutlets. You should definitely taste boiled lobsters and reef perch fillets cooked or baked in tomato sauce by cooks.