Bosnia and Herzegovina - a small state
In recent decades, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been actively developing tourism and now can offer travelers a lot of historical attractions - ancient Christian churches, mosques and medieval castles. In…

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Where to go on a honeymoon: 10 places of your choice
So, you have already planned a wedding and are practically ready for it. What about the decision about where you run off together on the honeymoon after the official ceremony…

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Instructions for those preparing to go to the mountains: what should I take with me?
Probably, there is nothing more dangerous psychologically than a long stay in areas that are hard to call wild. Physical fitness can save from any excesses that often make the…


Hungary is one of the most beloved by tourists.
Therefore, in spite of the formal socialist system, already in the 70s the country became one of the most free, richest and liberal in Eastern Europe. The end of the…

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Interesting facts about Japan
Japan is one of the most original and unusual countries in Asia with a very distinctive culture and traditions. Here are some interesting facts about this amazing country: 1. Japanese…


Where to go on a honeymoon: 10 places of your choice

So, you have already planned a wedding and are practically ready for it. What about the decision about where you run off together on the honeymoon after the official ceremony and festivities? Look at these ten best places in the world to see if they fit your idea of ​​the perfect romantic retreat.

1. Maldives
A great choice if you like sand, sun and beaches. Trendy, but not noisy Maldives can be considered an ideal place to escape from the world in search of solitude. If you like the azure ocean water and the purple hues of the sunset, head towards the Indian Ocean to relax after the wedding.

2. Bali
Bali is popular among newlyweds who seek peace and tranquility in nature. Consider options like Bukit, Ubud and Nusa Dua. Be sure to prepare your stomach for Asian cuisine in advance so as not to spoil the honeymoon with minor troubles.

3. Saint Lucia
The island nation of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean is another fashionable place for newlyweds. Vivid vegetation, blue water and tropical drinks under tall palm trees – this is what a dream turns into reality. Do not be surprised if you do not want to return from there.

4. Lake Louise, Canada
The Canadian glacial lake Louise is an amazing place for young couples, especially for a winter holiday on a honeymoon. However, in summer it is also very picturesque: the green and blue waters among the Canadian Rockies in Banff Park will remain in your memory forever.

5. Tofino, Vancouver Island
Although Canada does not usually come to mind when you think of romantic places, nevertheless, Tofino on Vancouver Island can change your mind. This is an area of ​​long beaches and breathtaking sunsets on the Pacific coast.

6. Greece
Greece! And that’s it. This country is consistently in the top 10 places to stay on your honeymoon. Choose: Santorini, Athens or Delphi? Greece is always like a magnet to attract couples in love.

7. Belize
Want exotics? Go to Belize! Seductive, alluring and incendiary – this is how you can briefly describe this tiny country on the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America. Scuba diving, rainforests and amazing wildlife – why not romance?

8. Florence, Italy
If you prefer ancient architecture, fabulous Florence is your choice for a honeymoon. Red roofs and blue-green mountains will be an unforgettable backdrop for your trip. Florence is wonderfully suited for couples who love to walk around the city and enjoy Italian cuisine.

9. Tahiti
For more than a decade, Tahiti – this is the most popular place among the newlyweds. Thatched roofs of the houses, exciting sea breezes and palm trees – you will get a lot of pleasure going to rest in French Polynesia. Delight is the perfect word to describe the honeymoon spent here.

10. Kenya
Although Kenya, as a rule, is also not in the top list of places to stay during the honeymoon, you should still think about this direction. Head to the Luisab Nature Reserve, where you can stay at a safari ranch. Believe me, the desert of Kenya can be very romantic!