3 mysterious places to travel, where you can see the incredibly beautiful solstice
How to observe the winter solstice as our ancestors did more than 5000 years ago? Honoring this day is an ancient tradition, perhaps even the oldest of all. For people…

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10 unfinished sights in the world
To complete the construction of a large-scale facility may take years and decades of hard work, as well as a lot of finance. That is why some historical sights have…

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8 things to take with you when traveling
You have been waiting for your holiday all year, then why darken it with possible illnesses during a planned trip? Put these eight necessary things in a travel bag or…


Instructions for those preparing to go to the mountains: what should I take with me?
Probably, there is nothing more dangerous psychologically than a long stay in areas that are hard to call wild. Physical fitness can save from any excesses that often make the…

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10 most unusual beaches
Everyone loves to relax on the beach, but not all beaches are the same. Some of them are truly unique and unusual. Plan your next vacation and visit some of…


according to statistics

Interesting facts about Japan

Japan is one of the most original and unusual countries in Asia with a very distinctive culture and traditions.

Here are some interesting facts about this amazing country:
1. Japanese usually call their country Nihon Koku, Nippon Koku, Nihon or Nippon. All these names are translated as “sources of the sun” or as we all know the “land of the rising sun.” Continue reading