Save on your trip to Abkhazia
Abkhazia includes seven historical regions and the same municipal districts. Each of them belongs to the coastal areas and mountain areas. The coastal strip with rather smooth outlines abounds in…

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10 most unusual beaches
Everyone loves to relax on the beach, but not all beaches are the same. Some of them are truly unique and unusual. Plan your next vacation and visit some of…

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Gastronomic tourism: secrets and traps
During any journey, we meet with new products and interesting dishes that open up for us a completely different world of taste. It helps to better understand the culture: in…


12 interesting alternatives to major tourist destinations
Of course, no one says that a trip to Paris or Rome is banal, but sometimes the best vacation can be spent in unexplored and not the most “promoted” places.…

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And where to go travel
Whether you are traveling alone, with your other half or with a group, it doesn't matter - in any case, exploring our wonderful world is one of the best ways…


military base

Forbidden places that no one can ever visit

These places you can safely delete from your list. Most likely, you will never go there. So accept and just get acquainted with them virtually.

1. Snake Island

Queimada Grande or Snake Island (Brazil) is home to a huge population of some of the deadliest snakes in the world.The poison of the golden spear-headed viper is not just lethal, it practically melts human flesh around the bite. By the way, their population density is one snake per 1 sq.m. For security reasons, the Brazilian government does not allow visiting this island, and the team of any research expeditions must have a doctor. Continue reading