10 legendary lost cities that were found
We are still unable to find the underwater grave of Atlantis, the golden streets of Eldorado or the mountains of Shangri-La. It is possible that they probably never existed at…

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Hungary is one of the most beloved by tourists.
Therefore, in spite of the formal socialist system, already in the 70s the country became one of the most free, richest and liberal in Eastern Europe. The end of the…

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8 cities of the world that are considered a gourmet paradise
Since the kitchen is the main "chip" of many cultures, it is not surprising that the direction of "gastrotur" is quickly gaining popularity. Sometimes food can even become the main…


Amazing places of the planet where a man’s foot has never stepped.
Do you think there is a corner on the planet that man has not yet been able to master? Where he did not make a house for himself, did not…

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12 interesting alternatives to major tourist destinations
Of course, no one says that a trip to Paris or Rome is banal, but sometimes the best vacation can be spent in unexplored and not the most “promoted” places.…


monument will be more

10 unfinished sights in the world

To complete the construction of a large-scale facility may take years and decades of hard work, as well as a lot of finance. That is why some historical sights have remained unfinished. Lack of labor, lack of funds or even the death of those who initiated the construction – these are just the main reasons. So, the ten most famous “unfinished” in the world.

1. Monument to the Furious Horse Continue reading