Austria needs no introduction
In Austria, a huge number of resorts are located from Bad Hall in Upper Austria to the Salzkammergut, from the magnificent Gasteiner Ache valley to Zolébad Hall in Tirol. People…

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How travel can noticeably improve your interpersonal skills
Any experienced and seasoned traveler becomes very sociable. He knows how to naturally start a conversation and somehow find a common language with people from all walks of life. Independent…

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Forbidden places that no one can ever visit
These places you can safely delete from your list. Most likely, you will never go there. So accept and just get acquainted with them virtually. 1. Snake Island Queimada Grande…


Australia - a state in the southern hemisphere
Beach vacation. The main place for lovers of this type of recreation is the Gold Coast (Gold Coast), the area between Sydney and Brisbane. Sandy beaches stretch along the coast…

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11 disappeared countries that existed some 100 years ago
The world map today looks a little different than a hundred years ago. The reasons? Starting from the collapse of ancient empires to the renaming of exotic places. ● Tibet…


monument will be more

10 unfinished sights in the world

To complete the construction of a large-scale facility may take years and decades of hard work, as well as a lot of finance. That is why some historical sights have remained unfinished. Lack of labor, lack of funds or even the death of those who initiated the construction – these are just the main reasons. So, the ten most famous “unfinished” in the world.

1. Monument to the Furious Horse Continue reading