Hungary is one of the most beloved by tourists.
Therefore, in spite of the formal socialist system, already in the 70s the country became one of the most free, richest and liberal in Eastern Europe. The end of the…

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10 most unusual beaches
Everyone loves to relax on the beach, but not all beaches are the same. Some of them are truly unique and unusual. Plan your next vacation and visit some of…

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And where to go travel
Whether you are traveling alone, with your other half or with a group, it doesn't matter - in any case, exploring our wonderful world is one of the best ways…


What European cities can you go on vacation in February
We know, we know, rest in February is not the best idea. After all, winter is still outside the window, and you can enjoy the cold at home, moving by…

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Gastronomic tourism: secrets and traps
During any journey, we meet with new products and interesting dishes that open up for us a completely different world of taste. It helps to better understand the culture: in…


but it is still under

Where to go on vacation in the summer on zodiac sign

Pack your bags! It’s time to break away from the desktop and escape to an exotic vacation. Someone likes a tropical vacation, where you can drink “Pina Colada” on the beach, doze and relax. Someone pulls to wander through the jungle or explore the streets of big cities. And what you in this regard can tell the sign of the zodiac?

1. Aries
Destination: Maui, Hawaii.Maui is the best place for you to recharge your adventurous nature! You enjoy physical activity and any kind of sport, so go surfing, diving, or ride a water bike. Continue reading

10 unfinished sights in the world

To complete the construction of a large-scale facility may take years and decades of hard work, as well as a lot of finance. That is why some historical sights have remained unfinished. Lack of labor, lack of funds or even the death of those who initiated the construction – these are just the main reasons. So, the ten most famous “unfinished” in the world.

1. Monument to the Furious Horse Continue reading