How to choose a holiday destination that meets your requirements
The choice of a place of rest is an individual matter. If you do not talk about the budget, a lot in this matter depends on what you want to…

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3 mysterious places to travel, where you can see the incredibly beautiful solstice
How to observe the winter solstice as our ancestors did more than 5000 years ago? Honoring this day is an ancient tradition, perhaps even the oldest of all. For people…

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What European cities can you go on vacation in February
We know, we know, rest in February is not the best idea. After all, winter is still outside the window, and you can enjoy the cold at home, moving by…


Why is it worth visiting Amsterdam at least once in your life?
Even those who have never been to Amsterdam consider this place to be a city of dreams. It is not surprising, because the capital of the Netherlands justifies its title…

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Instructions for those preparing to go to the mountains: what should I take with me?
Probably, there is nothing more dangerous psychologically than a long stay in areas that are hard to call wild. Physical fitness can save from any excesses that often make the…


multi-arched construction

Austria needs no introduction

In Austria, a huge number of resorts are located from Bad Hall in Upper Austria to the Salzkammergut, from the magnificent Gasteiner Ache valley to Zolébad Hall in Tirol. People come to Austrian resorts from all over the world to improve their health and pamper themselves. Resort relaxation can be combined with golf, hiking, skiing and sightseeing tours. Or with a wine tasting – Baden-by-Win, located in the Vienna Woods, is surrounded by hundreds of vineyards and dozens of wine taverns (Heurigen). Continue reading

Australia – a state in the southern hemisphere

Beach vacation. The main place for lovers of this type of recreation is the Gold Coast (Gold Coast), the area between Sydney and Brisbane. Sandy beaches stretch along the coast for 40 kilometers. Here everything has to active recreation and entertainment: golf courses, amusement parks, safaris, night clubs and discos.

Diving. Great Barrier Reef – Mecca for scuba diving. Continue reading

Save on your trip to Abkhazia

Abkhazia includes seven historical regions and the same municipal districts. Each of them belongs to the coastal areas and mountain areas. The coastal strip with rather smooth outlines abounds in beaches: spacious sand-pebble and rocky wild with a narrow shore, crowded public and respectable – from those that belong to boarding houses and hotels. Much of the coast has not yet been mastered. Continue reading