3 mysterious places to travel, where you can see the incredibly beautiful solstice
How to observe the winter solstice as our ancestors did more than 5000 years ago? Honoring this day is an ancient tradition, perhaps even the oldest of all. For people…

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Cistit.expert - портал о лечении, диагностике и видах цистита
Terrifying amusement parks and haunted circuses
Weekends and vacations are a time of rest and fun. Many cities offer us a wide variety of attractions. Often one of them is an amusement park. It’s hard to…

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Gastronomic tourism: secrets and traps
During any journey, we meet with new products and interesting dishes that open up for us a completely different world of taste. It helps to better understand the culture: in…


10 legendary lost cities that were found
We are still unable to find the underwater grave of Atlantis, the golden streets of Eldorado or the mountains of Shangri-La. It is possible that they probably never existed at…

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Australia - a state in the southern hemisphere
Beach vacation. The main place for lovers of this type of recreation is the Gold Coast (Gold Coast), the area between Sydney and Brisbane. Sandy beaches stretch along the coast…


Austria needs no introduction

In Austria, a huge number of resorts are located from Bad Hall in Upper Austria to the Salzkammergut, from the magnificent Gasteiner Ache valley to Zolébad Hall in Tirol. People come to Austrian resorts from all over the world to improve their health and pamper themselves. Resort relaxation can be combined with golf, hiking, skiing and sightseeing tours. Or with a wine tasting – Baden-by-Win, located in the Vienna Woods, is surrounded by hundreds of vineyards and dozens of wine taverns (Heurigen).

Various mineral waters – ferruginous, mineral-salt, waters from radioactive and sulfuric sources, which also contain iodine or bromine, enter Finnish saunas, steam baths (Dampfbaden) and hot pools. These waters are used for drinking and bathing, inhalation or medical wraps. The Tyrolean treatment and rehabilitation center Bad Hering suggests using the first cold chamber in Austria, where the temperature drops to 120 ° below zero. The so-called cryotherapy relieves pain and improves appearance.

In Austria, you will also be offered a variety of esoteric treatments – from massage with sea salt and lymphatic drainage to bathing in salt water with relaxing Oriental music. In Bad Eisenkappel, located in the southwestern Austrian province of Carinthia, you can soak in the boiling dark water or use chocolate wrap (cocoa butter protects the skin from wrinkles).

Baden-by-Win lies between wooded hills and vast vineyards of the Vienna Woods. Wienerwald and its sulfur springs were appreciated by the ancient Romans. Exquisite villas, landscaped parks and promenades make this city a favorite vacation spot for politicians and artists. This town was especially popular in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Bad Gastein, which lies among the mountains of the Salzberg Tauern, has become the most famous medical resort in Austria, offering a variety of treatments. There are villas and modern hotels located above the natural amphitheater created by the foamy and turbulent river Gasteiner Ahe. The mountain sun and the purest air intensify the effect of radioactive thermal waters.

Some Austrian resorts offer special treatments for children and even babies. In the terms of the Zonnentherme Lutzmannsburg (www.sonnentherme.at) there is the longest water slide in Europe. Here there is a “children’s world” and a children’s steam room. The Baths of Oberlaa (www.oberlaa.at) in the center of Vienna also host children. There are special, especially clean children’s pools, and babysitting services are offered.
Weekend Routes
Burgenland. Take a look at Eisenstadt, the capital of the federal state of Burgenland. Start your tour of the city from Esterházy Castle. Haydn’s house has been turned into a museum open to the public. The great composer is buried in Bergkirch (mountain church), located outside the city. Stay in the quarries of St. Margaret, where you can see the work of artists from around the world. In the summer, go to the “Passion of the Lord” show. Admire the Renaissance and Baroque houses in Rust, on the roofs of which storks have settled. In the small town of Neusiedl stroll along the quay of the same name lake.

Salzburg. View Altstadt (Old Town), literally stuffed with churches, palaces, museums, fountains and shops. On the funicular go up to the Salzburg fortress. View the local museum and attend a concert in the Golden Hall. Soak up the respect for death inherent in the Austrians in the cemetery of St. Peter, one of the oldest and most beautiful cemeteries in the world.

Walking for two days
Danube. Travel from Vienna to Salzburg along the Danube Valley. Cruise from Krems to Melk and go back by bike along the most popular cycling trail in Europe, which runs through beautiful valleys, wine-producing villages and magnificent monasteries.

Grossglockner. A trip along this high alpine road can be combined with a trip along Velbertowern Strasse (B108) – and you will have an excellent ring route. This road passes through the National Park Hohe Tauern, it is surrounded by classic mountain landscapes. From here there are magnificent views of the harsh Dolomites. This route will allow you to get acquainted with the mountain world of East Tyrol.

Valley Ottstal. Cruise the Ötztal valley and the neighboring valleys. Take a break from the car and again admire the mighty forces of nature that created this beauty at the end of the last ice age. Visit the Stubai Waterfall, the highest in Tyrol, take a look at the tiny mountain village of Rofenhof (2014 m), the highest alpine village in Austria, whose inhabitants do not leave their houses all year round.

Vein. Travel the Ringstrasse – the magnificent boulevard ring around the historic center of Vienna.