Bosnia and Herzegovina - a small state
In recent decades, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been actively developing tourism and now can offer travelers a lot of historical attractions - ancient Christian churches, mosques and medieval castles. In…

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And where to go travel
Whether you are traveling alone, with your other half or with a group, it doesn't matter - in any case, exploring our wonderful world is one of the best ways…

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11 disappeared countries that existed some 100 years ago
The world map today looks a little different than a hundred years ago. The reasons? Starting from the collapse of ancient empires to the renaming of exotic places. ● Tibet…


Amazing places of the planet where a man’s foot has never stepped.
Do you think there is a corner on the planet that man has not yet been able to master? Where he did not make a house for himself, did not…

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14 most remote places on earth
Do you really want to escape from the daily routine, monotony and chaos of life? Then these incredibly remote, undisturbed, and untouched places are just for you. 1. Easter Island,…


meteorologists have confused

If you want to experience the nature of Asia, you should visit these national parks.

There are many amazing wonders of nature in Asia, but some of the most beautiful and impressive are protected by the state as a national park in order to protect the local flora and fauna. The activity of people in them is limited, but the area itself is open to tourists who want to look at the natural diversity of our planet. Take a look and you on the incredible in nature parks of Asia and complement your view of this part of the world with new details.

1. Masada, Israel Continue reading

What places on our planet are abnormally hot

We believe that people in the middle lane are lucky with the climate. You will think that we are joking or laughing at you, but this is absolutely serious. After all, we can catch a frosty day with a shining, dazzling sun, and incredible freshness, and smells of spring, and feel the warm embrace of summer. And finally, enjoy all the colors and gifts of autumn. Isn’t it a miracle? But today we will tell about the completely opposite places of the planet. Places where it is always very hot and there is not even a hint of cold weather and snow. What are the hottest places on Earth? Continue reading