How travel can noticeably improve your interpersonal skills
Any experienced and seasoned traveler becomes very sociable. He knows how to naturally start a conversation and somehow find a common language with people from all walks of life. Independent…

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Bulgaria is a state of Southeast Europe
The variety of climatic conditions and geographic zones has made Bulgaria one of the best places to relax. In a relatively small area of ​​the state, more than 50 resorts…

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Scenic tourist destinations that are definitely worth a visit.
We suggest you to get acquainted with the places that are not so popular now and are in demand among tourists. However, they are no less exciting and picturesque than…


10 unfinished sights in the world
To complete the construction of a large-scale facility may take years and decades of hard work, as well as a lot of finance. That is why some historical sights have…

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7 incredible places in India to help you find yourself
When do you think about this country? High mountains, spirituality and even mysticism. Thousands of travelers come in search of answers to eternal questions. There are many other great places…


normal summer temperatures

What did you not know about Sydney? 10 unexpected facts that will open this city for you

Australia is quite far from the rest of the world. However, this does not mean that this place is forgotten or unpopular with tourists. Of particular note, of course, is Sydney. We will not tell everyone the known facts about this city, just to remind you what it is. Yes, it is the largest city in Australia, the pearl of which is the opera house. But to really get to know the city, you need to look at it from the other side. After all, beaches, the famous bridge and skyscrapers are not the only puzzle pieces that can make a complete picture of this place. So get to know the city of Sydney! Continue reading

What places on our planet are abnormally hot

We believe that people in the middle lane are lucky with the climate. You will think that we are joking or laughing at you, but this is absolutely serious. After all, we can catch a frosty day with a shining, dazzling sun, and incredible freshness, and smells of spring, and feel the warm embrace of summer. And finally, enjoy all the colors and gifts of autumn. Isn’t it a miracle? But today we will tell about the completely opposite places of the planet. Places where it is always very hot and there is not even a hint of cold weather and snow. What are the hottest places on Earth? Continue reading